Thursday, October 24, 2013

Fragile X Awareness Scrap Kit - FTU for personal use only

Fragile X Awareness

A friend of mine Angela aka Queenie of 
Queenie Signature and Kits 
wanted to raise awareness of Fragile X 
Its very close to her heart and her son is affected with Fragile X 
She has a kit at her blog here

You can download my kit here

Word art Biker Babe

Biker Babe wordart

for personal use only
right click and save to your hard drive 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Remember When

Remember When

This tutorial was written by me. 
Any similarity is purely coincidental. 
It was done using Gimp
 but can be done with a program of your choice

Scrapkit by Addictive Pleasures called Edward
you can find it here or use a kit of your choice

Mask - WSL_Mask84 
You can find it here or use the mask of your choice

Tube of choice
the tube I am using a PUT from CDO Store and you MUST have a license to use 
You can find the tube and get a license here

font - Quickier Demo
I found it here or use the font of your choice

filters: / VTR

Note: Autocrop layers as you go
You can add your ds as you go if thats what you like to do
I do mine at the end

Lets begin
Open new canvas 800 x800 px white bg 
this gives us lots of room to play
 we will resize later

Add new layer 
open frame2 copy and paste, resize to 500 x500 px
move up to right side , anchor

add new layer above bg layer 
open moon element , copy and paste ,scale to 400 px width,
position as you like it  ( see my tag for placement ) anchor ,select none,
 rotate right about 20

add new layer 
make your frame layer active and with your magic wand (fuzzy select tool)
click inside both frames ( hold the shift key to do the second one)
Don't forget the little spot where the frames cross
you should have your marching ants 
make the new layer active ( marching ants are still marching ) 
select/ grow by 6/ ok
choose paper, texture or color and (with ants still marching) 
paste into selection if using a paper or texture (make sure you Paste INTO , not paste)
if using a color,  fill with color ( I used color #373737 from my moon)
if you used a color we want some texture so I used with default settings. 
Do Not select none yet we want marching ants
Add new layer 
copy  your tube close up and paste INTO ( not paste), resize and position as you like, anchor .
( if you have part of the tube in the other frame just use the eraser to remove it after you anchor
as long as you don't select none you will continue to have the marching ants )
Add new layer and Repeat this for the other frame
Now when you are happy with it ...anchor and select none

make the tube layer active , mode/ soft light 
repeat with the tube layer in the other frame

add new layer and move to the top 
open your tube , copy and paste , resize and postion as you like 

Add new layer and move below your tube layer
open Ivy3 element , copy and paste , position and resize as you like
I left my size and rotated clockwise 90 ( layer/transform/rotate)

Add new layer for each element and add elements as you like them 
you can use the elements I used if you like
and use my tag as a guide for placement


when you have all of your elements placed add your ds to them 
I used default ds on my main tube and for the elements I used 3/4/8/38
I added bevel width 2 to my frames and candle also

now if you are happy with everything 
close the white bg layer
right click on any other layer /merge visible layers 
autocrop layer 
scale layer to 600 px width
move it to the center of canvas 
Unhide the bg layer and add new layer
(the new layer should be above the bg layer and below your tag layer)

open paper8 , copy and paste
right click on paper layer -add layer mask (when the box opens make sure that 
Black (full transparency) is checked / Add 

Open mask , copy and paste, anchor
delete the white bg layer 
right click on one of the layers - merge visible layers
click on image/ Autocrop Image
it should be 600 px width , if not then scale layer to 600 px width
add your credits and license
add your name
save as png

Here is another tag I made with this tutoria

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and I would love to see anything you make

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

This tutorial was written by me. 
Any similarity is purely coincidental. 
It was done using Gimp
 but can be done with a program of your choice


Tube of choice
I am using the a tube by Hannah Lynn
You MUST have a license to use her art
 you can find her tubes and get a license at CDO Store here

Scrapkit of choice
I used a kit by Niqui's Designs called Halloween Treat Collab
you can find it here

Template is by Leah of Amy & Leah's Gimptastic Tuts 
Its template 5 of the Halloween templates 1-9 here

Mask of choice 
the mask I used is Halloween mask 1 by Tonya  at Creative Misfits Creations here

Font of choice
I used is SpiderWritten 
I got mine from dafont here

filter used :
Richard Rosenman scanlines

Autocrop Layer as you go 
you can add your drop shadow and add bevel to elements  as you go too
If you need to name your new layers as you go 
I skip this step but its helpful to find your layers easily

Lets start by opening the template
click on the bg layer and scale to 800 x 800 px 
Image/ fit canvas to layers 
(This just gives us plenty of room to work . We resize at the end. )

Delete credit layer and rect 1 layer

Click on the oval layer to make it active 
Add new layer . Make the new layer active
Open element 25 ( frame)
 resize frame to 150px height but we want to keep the width the same
(to do this click on the chain so that its a broken chain then resize 
height only, then click scale )
copy and paste, position if needed then anchor

With the magic wand (fuzzy select tool ) click inside the first frame on the left , 
Hold the shift key down and use the wand inside the frame at the right side
You should have marching ants for both frames
Add new layer and make the new layer active ( the marching ants should still be there) 
Select/ grow by 3 px 
move layer below the frame by using the down arrow 
Open paper or color of your choice.( I used color # 2e1369 to match my tubes )
if using a color then fill with the color and select none
If using a paper then Paste into ( not paste but paste into) 
position and when happy anchor, select none

make rec 3 active ,alpha to selection,  add new layer
make new layer active and fill with color , paper or texture of your choice
I just filled mine with black
delete the original rect 3 
repeat for rect 2

make oval layer active, alpha to selection
add new layer 
Make new layer active and fill with color , paper or texture of your choice
I filled mine with color # ef5401 to match the frame
if using a color then fill with the color and select none
If using a paper then Paste into ( not paste but paste into) 
position and when happy anchor, select none
delete the original oval layer

Make circle layer active, alpha to selection,
add new layer and make the new layer active 
fill with color , paper or texture of your choice
I used pp 2 from the kit
if using a color then fill with the color and select none
If using a paper then Paste into ( not paste but paste into) 
position and when happy anchor, select none
delete the original circle layer

Make thin circle layer active , alpha to selection,
add new layer  and make the new layer active 
fill with color , paper or texture of your choice
I used the color white
if using a color then fill with the color and select none
If using a paper then Paste into ( not paste but paste into) 
position and when happy anchor, select none
delete the original thin circle layer

make words layer active,( if you want to you can fill with another 
color, paper or texture) I left mine as is
filters/decor/add bevel  Note: uncheck the " Work on copy"  box
Thickness 2 /ok
right click and select - merge layer down 
It is now merged with words back

Make inside frame layer active , 
-If you use the blinds then use your fuzzy select tool ( the magic wand)
and click the inside frame 
filters/ Distorts/blinds  You will have to play with the settings , I didn't use this filter
When happy select none and repeat for the other inside frame

I used the Richard Rosenman scanlines  vertical with default settings
for this , alpha to selection , filters/ Richard Rosenman/scanlines 
click the v tab and use the rest of the default setting

add new layer , keep your ants marching
open your close up tube 
copy and paste INTO , resize and position , use my tag for reference 
of placement if needed, anchor when happy

add new layer  , the ants are still marching 
repeat into the opposite inside frame
anchor when happy with the placement and size of tube
If you are using the same closeup  tube you can duplicate 
click layer/Transform/flip horizontally
select none
Note: if using more than one tube you need to use the same 
artist for each tube. 

click on one of the tube layers , duplicate 
filters/blur/gaussian blur / horizontal 2 and vertical 2 px
click mode/soft light
no drop shadow to this layer 

click on the other tube layer and repeat except 
mode/ Hard light

Make the cirlcle layer active , alpha to selection 
add new layer and make it active ( you should have marching ants)
Open your full size tube 
copy and paste INTO , postion and resize as you like it
when happy , anchor, select none

Lets go back to our closeup tubes. 
ds to the bottom tube of each  
merge the top tubes down to the bottom tubes 
you should have a closeup in each end inside frame
On each click mode/ screen

Add your elements . Use whatever you like .
Here is a list of what I used and you can use my tag as
reference if you like. Or , just do your own thing. Thats always the 
most fun! 

Elements used: 
element 16 ( Jack o Lantern)
element 20 ( one-eyed bat)
element 22 ( black cat )
element 23 ( moon with bats)

After you have all of your elements added and 
you are happy with everything we are going to add our 
drop shadows if you haven't alread done so. 
I also added bevel 2 width to the frame, black cat, and moon

Hide the background layer 
Merge Visible Layer
autocrop layer and scale to 600 px width 

unhide the bg layer 
add new layer and fill with paper, color or texture of your choice
I used paper 3 , right click the layer and add layer mask , 
tick the box that says black (full transparency) add
open your mask 
copy and paste 
position and scale if needed , when happy anchor

delete the bg layer 
image /autocrop image
scale to 600 px width if needed 

add your copyrights and name

Be sure to Save As (not save)

I hope you enjoyed the tutorial

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Between You & Me

Between You & Me

This tutorial was written by me. 
Any similarity is purely coincidental. 
It was done using Gimp
 but can be done with a program of your choice


FTU Cluster called Purple by Queenie Signature N Kits here

Mask by Creative Misfits -Cirlcle mask April 2012 here
mask image 212 by Sharon

Word Art by AK Designs here

Tube of choice
The tube I used is Celinart Pinup from Scraps and the City . You MUST have a license to use it.
You can find her tubes and get a license here

Font of choice

EyeCandy /weave

Lets get started

Open new canvas with white bg 600 x 600 px
add new layer 

open cluster frame copy and paste , resize to 500 px width

add new layer 
use the Ellipse tool and make a circle the size of frame 
move this layer below the frame and make sure you have the marching ants
fill with black
filters/ eyecandy/weave  color #ab89c6
dup layer , mode/ overlay, merge down ( you can play with the mode and pick what you like best )
you can fill with a paper or texture of you choice if you prefer

go to frame layer , add new layer
open tube , copy and paste , position as you like .
Duplicate and move one below the frame.
On the top tube layer erase any part of the tube that is over the frame. 
I placed mine so it was just below the keyboard, not much at all to erase

add new layer 
open word art and resize
I resized to 400 px width 
copy and paste , position as you like and resize if needed 

click on background layer , add new layer 
fill with gradient / colors black and #350c41 , bilinear
right click on this layer and click on add mask 
open your mask , copy and paste 
position and resize as you like then anchor, 

hide bg layer , merge visible layers, autocrop layer 
Resize to 600 px width , if this means making it larger then
you will have to click on image / fit canvas to layers 
Add your copyrights 
Delete the bg layer 
Autocrop image , resize if needed
Add your name

Hope you enjoyed the tutorial

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Happy 4th Of July

Happy 4th of July

This tutorial was written by me. 
Any similarity is purely coincidental. 
It was done using Gimp
 but can be done with a program of your choice


Cluster frame called Happy 4th of July by Angela of Queenie's Signatures  -n-  Kits  here

Tube of choice
I used a tube from PFD by Di_Halim called Americus you can find it here
You MUST have a license to use.

Mask from Creative Misfits Creations -Sparkle and Bling by Kaci here
or use your mask of choice

font used for name is Challenge Shadow 

Lets begin

Open new image 800 x 800 px , white bg
we will resize later

Add New Layer
Open your cluster frame 
click on the Merged layer , copy and paste 
Resize to 550 px width
Anchor and autocrop Layer
filters / Decor/ add bevel 2 thickness 
(make sure you untick the box that has - work on copy)

Add new layer
move the layer below the frame
open your tube 
copy and paste, position, resize 
I resized my tube to 550 px height and I also
Layer/ transform/ flip horizontally
when happy with it ......Anchor
Autocrop Layer
Duplicate layer and move it above the frame 
We want to erase the bottom part of the tube thats outside the frame
An easy way for me is to use the Rectangle Select Tool
Make a rectangle around the bottom part of the tube thats outside the frame
and hit delete.  
Select none
If you want you can just use the Eraser tool to erase 

Make your frame layer active 
use the Fuzzy select tool or magic wand and click inside the frame
you should have marching ants inside the frame

Add a new layer above the bg layer 
your ants should be marching on this layer
Select/ grow / 8
open your close up tube and Paste INTO 
 (make sure you paste Into and not paste)
Resize and postion as you like it
you can use my tag for reference
When happy , Anchor, Select none
Layer , Autocrop
Duplicate this layer 
make the bottom of these active and
 filters/ blur, gaussian blur  8 horizontal and 8 vertical px
make the top of these active and if you have
eyecandy /weave with default setting
opacity 80

If you haven't added ds now is when I do it
(add ds to the bottom tube only when you have a duplicate)

Hide the bg layer 
Merge visible layers
autocrop layer
resize to 600 px height

unhide bg 
add new layer and fill with color of choice
I used color #14152f  Right click on this layer / add layer mask
(be sure you have black full transparency checked )
open your mask
this one is large so I resized it to 500 px width 
copy and paste , position as you like and resize if you need to 

merge tag layer down to mask layer
autocrop layer 

Add your copyrights, license and Name
delete the bg layer
Autocrop Image 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Life's a Beach

Life's a Beach

This tutorial was written by me. 
Any similarity is purely coincidental. 
It was done using Gimp
 but can be done with a program of your choice


Tube of choice
I am using a tube from Bobbie Allen

Scrapkit is called Lifes a Beach by Melissa
you can find it here

Myth Mask 62 
creative misfits summer masks here

font of choice
I used Beach Type here

Add drop shadows as you go if you prefer
Autocrop each layer as you go

Lets begin:

Open new canvas 800 x800 px 
white bg
we will resize later

add new layer
open element 34 ,  copy and paste ,
 resize to 575 px width , anchor
filters/ bevel, 
( untick the work on copy and keep bitmap boxes if they are selected)
2 thickness , add bevel

add new layer above bg layer
open element 31 , resize to 600 px width ,
copy and paste , position under word art ,
duplicate this layer ,
 click the eye to hide the top layer
move the other layer down slightly then 
make the top layer visible so you can better position
this layer , resize to 700 px width and 
play with the position till you are happy with it
merge these together

Add new layer above the word art
open your tube and copy and paste 
position as you like
I had to resize the sand element to 790 px width so my dog
was positioned on the sand better

Add new layer
open element 30 
copy and paste 
position as you like ,I rotated it slightly 
 you can use my tag as reference

Add new layer below  your tube layer
open element 29 
copy , paste , resize and  rotate , position as you like it 
see my tag for reference 

Add new layer at the top
open element 16
copy and paste ,
resize to 125 px width or as you like 

If you are like me and haven't added drop shadows yet .....
now is the time to add ds to each of your layers
I use 3/4/8/38 to all elements except my tube and
 I use the default setting for the tube
Use Your fav ds settings

When happy with everything 
Hide the white bg layer 
right click and merge visible layers
autocrop layer and I resize to 590 px width

unhide the bg layer 
add new layer above the bg layer 
open paper 5
copy and paste
right click , add layer mask 
make sure to click the black (full transparency) 
open mask 
copy and paste , autocrop layer , 
unclick the little chain and resize to
700 px width and keep the 500 px width

delete the white bg layer 
merge the other layers 
Image/autocrop image
resize to 600 px width
add your copyrights  and name 
merge visible , autocrop and resize if needed
save as (I save as png)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Seas the Moment

Seas the Moment

This tutorial was written by me. 
Any similarity is purely coincidental. 
It was done using Gimp
 but can be done with any program


Scrapkit by BLT DeZinZ called Seaside Joy 
this is a PTU kit you can find a link to the store on her blog  here
Or you can use a scrapkit of your choice

Template 137 by Denz Designz here

Tube of choice
The tube I used can only be used if you have a license to use it.
 You can find the tube and get a license at Pics for Design here

font of choice 
for my name I used : Of Wildflowers and Wings
you can find it here

Lets begin
Note: autocrop layers as you go and you can add your ds of choice as you go 

open template 
click on raster layer to make it active
add new layer and fill with white
delete the raster layer
resize the white layer which we will name bg layer , to 600 px width
click image/ fit image to layers
Delete these layers - hearts 1 & 2 , raster 2, and Denz Dezignz

make the mask layer active 
fill with color # c8d9eb

Alpha to selection on red circle and add new layer
with marching ants active on new layer copy and paste 
paper 12 , resize as needed , I resized to 500 px width ,
click colors/ colorize 
adjust the hue to your liking
when happy with color and position 
select none  
autocrop layer
delete the red circle layer

alpha to selection on dotted circle 
add new layer and fill it with white
select none 
delete the original dotted circle layer

Alpha to selection on blue square layer
add new layer and fill with color # 0043a3
 delete the origianl blue square layer 
select none
move your square up a little see my tag for reference 
move the dotted line up and position it in the square
Now we are gonna hide the blue rectangle 
click on the dark blue rectangle and move it down so the top of the rectangle is just below 
the bottom of the dotted line
unhide the blue rectangle and move it down so that its below the dark blue rectangle 
see my tag for reference

make your blue square layer active ( alpha to selection)
add new layer , you should have marching ants around the square
copy the close up tube and paste INTO the new layer
resize and position to your liking
I clicked layer /transform/flip horizontally
select none

alpha to selection on the dotted line 
add new layer 
fill with white 
delete the original dotted line
select none

alpha to selection on the blue rectangle 
add new layer and fill it with color # b9bdc3
select none and delete original blue rectangle layer

alpha to selection on dark blue rectangle 
add new layer 
copy paper 10 and paste INTO ( make sure its paste into not paste)
resize and position as you like 
anchor and select none 
delete the original rectangle

scale red strip to 450 px width 
also scale the raster 2 and 2 dotted lines the same

alpha to selection on red strip 
add layer 
scale paper 3 to 500 px width
copy paper 3 and paste Into 
anchor and select none
delete original red strip 

alpha to  2 dotted lines
add new layer and fill with white
select none and delete the original 2 dotted lines

Add your elements now
I used: 
Clip 2
heart string

Resize and position as you like . See my tag for reference 
add new layer above the 2 dotted lines 
I started with the lighthouse
resize to 75 px width ( you can resize more if you need when you place it )
when happy anchor and select none

Add new layer 
copy your tube and paste 
resize and position 
when happy anchor and select none

Add new layer 
resize the heart string 150 px height
copy and paste at the end of your black strip 
see my tag for reference
position and resize if needed
anchor and select none

Add new layer
resize your bird to 150 px height 
copy and paste 
position and resize if needed 
anchor and select none
dup and resize to 100 px height 
move to the right just a little 
dup and move down to the bottom heart 

 Add new layer above the circle layer 
copy the boat and resize 60 px width 
paste , position 
select none

Add new layer above the dotted square 
resize clip 2 to  75px width ( you can resize more if you need when you place it )
copy and paste , position , anchor and select none
duplicate and place 
repeat for clip 

Add new layer above your tube layer and add the word art from the kit
resize and position as you like

Add word art of choice or add the one I made above the black strip

Add your ds to layers if you haven't already

Hide the bg layer 
merge visible layers 
autocrop layer 
scale to 600 px width 
image/ fit canvas to layers 

delete bg 
autocrop image 
filters/enhance/ sharpen

add copyrights and license 

add name with font of your choice

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Seaside Joy

Seaside Joy

This tutorial was written by me. 
Any similarity is purely coincidental. 
It was done using Gimp
 but can be done with any program

Seaside Joy

 PTU Scrapkit by BLT DeZignZ
it can be found  at Pics For Design here
or kit of choice

Tube of choice
I used a tube by Joanne Schempp 
you MUST have a license to use her art
you can find her tubes and get a license to use them at Creative Design Outlet here

mask of choice
I used a mask from Chas 
my file says chas 2 mask but on her blog it say " New mask by Me" 
you can find it here 

font of choice 
I used  Sandals and it  can be found here

Autocrop layers as you go 
you can add your drop shadows as you go if thats what you like to do

Lets begin
Open new canvas 800 x 600 white bg 
 ( we will resize later , this is just to have room to work) 

Open paper 4 
copy and paste 
Resize to 350 x 400 px and rotate to the left 
when happy with it anchor
duplicate it and 
click layer/ transform/flip horizontally

Add new layer 
move this new layer below the paper layers
open fence element 
Resize to 650 px copy and paste
position and anchor. You can resize again if needed

Add new layer 
move the new layer above the paper layers
copy branch element and paste , before you anchor it resize
I resized mine to 300 px width 
position and anchor , use my tag as reference to element placement

Add new layer 
Open clip  and scale to 50 px height copy and paste 
we are decorating the branch with the clips 
Add new layer 
open clip 2 and scale to 50 px height 
copy and past 
you can resize the clips to suit you 
duplicate and position the clips as you like them

Add new layer 
open your tube of choice and resize and position as you like

Add new layer 
open wa
resize to 200 px width
copy and paste ,
 position over branch , see my tag 
resize as needed rotate slightly if needed. 

Add new layer
open anchor element , resize to 200 px width 
paste and rotate to the left ,
 resize further if needed 
see my tag for reference , when happy with the postion and size 
use eraser to remove the edge of anchor frame where it crossed the paper frame
again see my tag for reference

Add new layer
open bottle element 
scale to 150 px height 
copy and paste , rotate to the left slightly 
resize further if needed
see my tag for refence. 

Add new layer 
open seashell 2 element 
resize to 60 px width 
copy and paste 
position slightly overlapping bottom of bottle 
see my tag for refence 
when you are happy with it anchor
duplicate and click layer / transform/ flip horizontally
position over edge of paper frame

Add new layer 
move this new layer below the duplicate seashell (thats over the paper frame)
open element starfish 2 
resize 75 px width  position with edge just under the seashell 

Add new layer 
move this new layer above the seashell 
open element starfish 
resize to 75 px width and position  ( see my tag )

Add new layer 
go down to your bottle layer and alpha to selection
then go back up and make sure your new layer is active 
open dragonfly element 
resize to about 50 px width ( you can resize more before you anchor if you need to )
position so the dragonflys are inside the bottle and Paste INTO be sure you use Paste Into and not paste
when happy anchor 
you can repeat this step if you want to 

Add new layer 
open element string
resize to 200 px height 
position inside paper frame ( see my tag) 
resize further if needed 

Add your drop shadow to layers if you haven't already 
I use 3/4/8/38 but use the ds you prefer

If you are happy with the way your tag looks 
hide bg layer
merge visible layers 
autocrop layer , I resized mine to 590 px width

add new layer above bg layer
add color, paper, texture of your choice 
I used paper 7 
right click / add layer mask ( be sure the black full transparent is ticked ) 
open mask copy and paste 
position  and resize as you like 

merge tag layer with mask layer
autocrop layer 
I scale mine to 600 px width 

add copyrights and license number if needed 
delete white bg layer 

image autocrop 
resize if needed 
I like my tags 600 px width
click filters / enhance/ sharpen

 Add your name with the font of your choice

I hope you enjoyed the tutorial. I would love to see any tag you make with this tut . 
You can email me at

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Loves Me

Loves Me

This tutorial was written by me. 
Any similarity is purely coincidental. 
It was done using Gimp
 but can be done with any program

 Spring Template 2 from Always Creations here

Scrapkit : Mothers Flowers from Delicious Scraps here
or scrapkit of choice

Mask 19 from Drea's Creations here

Word art supplied below

Tube of choice 
The tube I used is a Ken Morton tube
You MUST have a license to use  his artwork 
you can get a license and find his tubes at Creative Design Outlet here

Note: You can add ds to layers as you go if you choose 
Autocrop layers as you go

Lets Begin
open template
delete these layers :
mask,doodle,circle bg, and both flowers

make circle layer active ,Alpha to selection
 add new layer 
open paper 8 from scrapkit , 
resize to 600px width, 
copy ,  paste Into new layer ( be sure its paste Into and not paste)
anchor , select none. 
Autocrop Layer
delete the templates original circle layer

Add new layer 
open element - flowers 4 
resize to 325 px height
paste and position 
 select none 
autocrop layer

Add new layer 
open element-FrameFlowers
resize to 550 px 
copy and paste. Resize again if needed 
anchor , select none
Autocrop layer

Add new layer and move it above the 3 rectangle layers
make the first rectangle layer active, 
alpha to selection 
with your magic wand or fuzzy select too ,
click inside the rectangle ,make the second rectangle layer active
alpha to selection
hold the shift key and and use the magic wand in this rectangle 
make the 3rd rectangle active
alpha to selection
 and hold the shift key down while you 
click inside the rectangle 
make the new layer active and you should have marching ants 
for all 3 rectangles 
open paper 6 , resize to 600 px , copy and paste INTO 
anchor , select none
autocrop layer
Move this layer below the flower frame 
delete the templates original rectangel layers 
duplicate this layer 
alpha to selection and fill with black 
move slightly , see my tag for reference
add drop shadow to each layer of rectangles and merge
I moved them to the other side of the template. 
See my tag for reference

Make square 1 active 
alpha to selection
add new layer , fill the new layer with black or 
color from your tube
select none
Autocrop layer 
deleted the original template layer

Alpha to selection on your black square 
add new layer  
copy your tube and  paste INTO , resize as needed 
when you are happy with it , 
anchor and select none.
duplicate your tube layer 
on this layer  , mode- screen 

Merge the group 
( the 2 tube layers , black square and the square bg layers )

Duplicate this 2 times so you should have 3 squares with your tube
Position them to suit you 
you can see my tag for reference

Delete the original template square layers 

Add new layer 
copy tube and paste 
position as you like 
I always use the default ds for my main tube 

add new layer above the squares and paste the word art I supplied or
 make your own
( add new layer above each square , see my tag for reference )

If you haven't added drop shadows then add ds to your layers 
hide the bg layer 
merge visible layers
autocrop layer
I resized mine to 550 px width 
unhide bg layer and add new layer above bg layer
fill with color , paper , or texture 
make this layer active , right click and choose
"add layer mask"
when the box opens be sure you select the black (full transparency) 
open mask 
copy and paste
autocrop layer , resize to 600 px width , position and when you are happy 
Anchor , select none

make top layer active 
merge down with mask layer 
image autocrop
if you are happy with the size 
add your copyrights and license number 
delete bg layer 
I like to sharpen ( filters ,enhance, sharpen)

Add your name

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial
I would love to see any tag you make with this tutorial 
you can email me at

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

2 Love Me

2 Love Me

This tutorial was written by me. 
Any similarity is purely coincidental. 
It was done using Gimp
 but can be done with any program


Cluster Frame ~ Sweet Romance is ftu by Rosa Tags  here

Word art by Elegant Wordart  here
the preview isn't working but the link for the download is good

 Tube of choice 
I am using the artwork of Alex Prihodko . I bought this tube from Pics For Design here
You must have a license to use this artwork .The artwork can  NOT be shared. 

Mask of choice
I used mask 52 from Moonbeams and Spiderwebs here

font of choice 
I used a font called cinnamon cake
you can find it here

Note: autocrop layers as you go. 
If you prefer add drop shadow of your choice as you go

Lets begin: 
Open New canvas 800 x 800 px bg white ( we will crop later , this gives us room to work)

Add new layer ( bg layer is the only white layer , all other layers are transparent )
Open cluster frame and copy the layer - No Shadow
Paste and position as you like . I resized it to 600 px width and positions to the left
 of my canvas
use fuzzy select tool ( magic wand) and click inside of frame

Add new layer above bg layer 
Select/ grow x4 , fill with paper or color of your choice. I used color #dcdbcc
select none

Add new layer 
open word art , resize to 275 px width 
you can add a color or paper if you like I left mine black 
filters/decor/ add bevel , thickness 2 ( make sure you untick the box to work on copy)
Add ds of your choice. I use 3/4/8/38

add new layer above bg 
copy your tube and paste, resize and position to your liking. I duplicated my tube
 and moved one layer to the top, I lowered the opacity on the top layer so I can see the dog
zoomed 200% so I can better see to erase the tube over the dog , you can increase the
 opacity back to 100 after you have the dog outlined 
when you are happy with your results add a ds to the lower tube. ( the one under the frame) 
I use the default ds for my tube . 

add ds to the layers you have if you haven't already 
hide the bg layer and merge visible
Autocrop layer and I resized mine to 575 px width 

unhide bg layer 
add new layer above bg
fill with color, paper , or texture of your choice
right click on this layer , add layer mask ( be sure to click the black full tranparency)  Add
open your mask of choice copy and paste
position and resize if needed. I rotated my mask and resized 
when happy with it ....Anchor
Merge tube layer and mask layer 
Autocrop Image
resize if needed at this point. I resized to 600 px 

add copyrights and license if needed 
add your name 
delete the bg layer 
autocrop image
Mine autocropped small so I had to resize to 600 px width 
Click on Image/ fit image to layers 
you may have to repeat this step a few times before it holds at 600 px width
Click on filters / enhance/ sharpen 
save as 

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. I would love to see anything you make with it.
email :

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Alopecia Awareness Tag Tutorial

Alopecia Awareness

No More Bad Hair Days
I'm Bald and Beautiful

This tutorial was written by me. 
Any similarity is purely coincidental. 
It was done using Gimp
 but can be done with any program

About Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is a common autoimmune skin disease
 resulting in the loss of hair on the scalp and elsewhere 
on the body. It usually starts with one or more small, round,
 smooth patches on the scalp and can progress to total scalp
 hair loss (alopecia totalis) or complete body hair loss
 (alopecia universalis).

Alopecia areata affects approximately two percent of the
 population overall, including more than 5 million people in
 the United States alone. This common skin disease is highly
 unpredictable and cyclical. Hair can grow back in or fall out
 again at any time, and the disease course is different for 
each person.

font of choice 
I used Clipper Script Fat here
( For my name on finished tag )

You can use your choice of supplies but these are the supplies I used

Template 99 by Rosey at Rose's place  here

Scrapkit ftu Alopecia Awareness Kit  by Angela of Queenies signatures n kits here

Word art by me supplied below

Right click and Save Image As

Mask of choice
I used WSL mask 203

Tube I used the art work of Ana Rasha
I belong to a group that has permission to use her art. 
Lazy_Acres · Lazy Acres on yahoo

NOTE: You can add ds as you go if thats what you like to do
 Autocrop each layer as you go

Let begin
Open template and delete  the credits and all word art layers
Resize white bg layer to 800 x 800 px and click image/ fit canvas to layers 
this gives us room to work . It will be cropped later

Copy and paste the word art I supplied or make your own.
 Position as you like it. See my tag for reference.

Make dotted line layer active,
alpha to selection
Duplicate dotted line layer ,
delete original dotted line layer
click on duplicate and fill with white,
select none
Autocrop layer

make Black Rectangle active 
alpha to selection
Duplicate layer 
delete original Black Rectangle layer
fill copy with black
select none 
autocrop layer
add text above the dotted line . I used the phrase " No More Bad Hair Days" 

make Purple Circle layer active 
alpha to selection 
Duplicate layer 
Delete original Purple Circle layer
fill the copy layer with color #000066 ( if you have filter-color dot , I added this to the layer)
Do Not select none yet
add new layer 
copy your tube and paste INTO ( make sure you past Into and not paste) 
position to your liking 
anchor and select none
autocrop layer 
Delete original Purple Circle layer

At this point I added ds to the word art, the dotted line , and black rectangle layers
 and merged these 3 layers together. I then moved them down slightly so my tube showed better.

Make Blue circle layer active , 
alpha to selection 
duplicate layer and delete original layer
fill copy layer with white
select none

Make Left Rectangle active 
alpha to selection 
duplicate layer and delete original layer
copy paper 8 and paste INTO 
anchor and select none
autocrop layer
Repeat these steps with Right Rectangle

Make Pink Rectangle active 
alpha to selection 
duplicate layer and delete original layer
copy paper 1 and paste INTO , position and when happy 
select none
autocrop layer

Make Black Rectangle active , 
alpha to selection
duplicate layer  and delete original layer
fill with color black
select none 
autocrop layer

Make Lrg Pink Oval active
alpha to selection 
duplicate layer and delete original layer
resize paper 4 to 600 px width 
copy and past Into , position and 
select none 
autocrop layer

add elements as you like 
I used : 

flower bunch 2

Add your ds if you haven't already
Hide the white bg 
merge visible layers
autocrop layer 
resize if needed - I resized mine to 590 px width

unhide white bg , this is just so I can better see what everything looks like
Add new layer above bg layer
fill with color of choice or use a paper from the kit. 
I am using paper 1 
add layer mask ( make sure you have black transparent checked ) 
copy mask and paste
position and resize if needed
anchor when you are happy 

Autocrop Image 
resize to 600 px width
add copyrights and license number if needed 
Delete bg layer 
and save as

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial
any feedback is very much appreciated ( good or bad)
I would love to see anything you make with the tutorials I write
You can email me at