Between You & Me
This tutorial was written by me.
Any similarity is purely coincidental.
It was done using Gimp
but can be done with a program of your choice
FTU Cluster called Purple by Queenie Signature N Kits here
Mask by Creative Misfits -Cirlcle mask April 2012 here
mask image 212 by Sharon
Word Art by AK Designs here
Tube of choice
The tube I used is Celinart Pinup from Scraps and the City . You MUST have a license to use it.
You can find her tubes and get a license here
Font of choice
EyeCandy /weave
Lets get started
Open new canvas with white bg 600 x 600 px
add new layer
open cluster frame copy and paste , resize to 500 px width
add new layer
use the Ellipse tool and make a circle the size of frame
move this layer below the frame and make sure you have the marching ants
fill with black
filters/ eyecandy/weave color #ab89c6
dup layer , mode/ overlay, merge down ( you can play with the mode and pick what you like best )
you can fill with a paper or texture of you choice if you prefer
go to frame layer , add new layer
open tube , copy and paste , position as you like .
Duplicate and move one below the frame.
On the top tube layer erase any part of the tube that is over the frame.
I placed mine so it was just below the keyboard, not much at all to erase
add new layer
open word art and resize
I resized to 400 px width
copy and paste , position as you like and resize if needed
click on background layer , add new layer
fill with gradient / colors black and #350c41 , bilinear
right click on this layer and click on add mask
open your mask , copy and paste
position and resize as you like then anchor,
hide bg layer , merge visible layers, autocrop layer
Resize to 600 px width , if this means making it larger then
you will have to click on image / fit canvas to layers
Add your copyrights
Delete the bg layer
Autocrop image , resize if needed
Add your name
Hope you enjoyed the tutorial